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Learning Apps

Sand Creek utilizes several learning applications in the classroom that can be useful resources for families to access at home. Most school-based learning applications can be accessed through your student’s Clever badge. Students are taught how to access Clever at the start of the school year. Our younger students are provided a QR Code—typically found in their Friday Folder—to access their Clever account.

Book Wizard logo

Level your classroom library, create book lists, and find the right book at just the right reading level for students with Book Wizard.

Clever logo

Clever is an easy way for your child to log in and learn with all of the online programs they use at school. With their own personal portals, students can learn with resources selected by their teacher and district.

Destiny Discover logo

Destiny Discover is a digital content discovery interface for schools that allows students and educators to search for and access their school's print and digital resources. 

History logo

HISTORY Classroom offers resources for educators, including education guides, learning tools, and links to educational content.

i-Ready logo

i-Ready Connect is a free app for students who use i-Ready at school. Students can use this app to access i-Ready Assessment and Personalized Instruction, i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, and Learning Games.

Khan Academy logo

Khan Academy's library of trusted, standards-aligned practice and lessons covers math K-12 through early college, grammar, science, history, AP®, SAT®, and more. It’s all free for learners and teachers.

Zearn logo

Learning with Zearn helps math make sense. Students explore math through pictures, visual models, and real-life examples — and it’s free.