Medical Forms
Medication administration protocols are differentiated based on the grade of the student. Prescription and over-the-counter medication will be administered to students at school only at the specific written request of the student’s parent or guardian, and with the written authorization of the student’s health care provider.
Required Medication Forms:
- Student Medication Request and Release Agreement
- Provider Medication Authorization Form
- Permission to Self-Carry and Self-Administer Medication Form
If a student must receive prescription or over-the-counter medication during school hours, the parent or guardian shall furnish the medication.
Prescription Medication:
- Must be in the original pharmacy labeled container.
- Label includes the student’s name, medication, dosage, number and/or time(s) of doses per day, and name of the prescribing health care provider.
Over-the-Counter Medication:
- Must be in its original packaging.
- A parent/guardian may deliver medication to the school during school hours. Medications that are brought by the student must be in the packaging, and sealed in an envelope. If the medication is not in a sealed envelope, the parent or guardian will be contacted.
- Medication shall be administered at each school only by a school nurse or by his or her legal delegate.
Questions? Please contact our school nurse, Mrs. Amber Norwood, at