Report Cards
At the end of each semester, classroom teachers will complete an Elementary Progress Report (EPR) to share student progress specific to the Colorado Academic Standards across all content areas. Your student will receive a score of Exceeds, Meets, Approaching, or Does Not Meet for each standard that has been covered during the semester.
"Exceeds" indicates a high level of achievement. It communicates that a student has a strong understanding of the content/concepts/skills taught during the semester and can demonstrate understanding independently and with very few errors.
"Meets" indicates that a student demonstrates understanding of content/concepts/skills most of the time and with limited support. The student makes few major errors or omissions when demonstrating concepts/skills.
"Approaching" indicates that a student requires moderate support to demonstrate understanding of concepts/skills. Demonstrated understanding of concepts/skills is inconsistent or infrequent, indicating a partial understanding of the content/concepts/skills. Errors or omissions in work are more frequent.
Does Not Meet
"Does Not Meet" indicates that a student seldom demonstrates understanding of concepts and skills taught during the semester. The student requires considerable support to demonstrate learning of concepts and skills and makes frequent major errors when demonstrating understanding.
Parents can access their student's EPR via the Engaged Parent Portal. Parents/guardians will use the same username and password they use for access to the IC Parent Portal. Please note that is appended to the username you selected during account registration.
Once logged in, parents and guardians will see a "Most Recent EPR" link. To see the Full Report Card, parents/guardians can click on the "Go To Full Report Card" button in the upper right corner.
If you are in need of technical support, please email or call the DCSD IT Support Center at 303-387-0001.